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GC delivers a return on investment

太阳城娱乐平台对商业界产生了显著的积极影响,并为其主要利益相关者群体——学生——创造了投资回报, society, and taxpayers.

Grayson College creates value in many ways. 学院在帮助学生提高就业能力和实现个人潜能方面发挥着关键作用. 它为学生提供了拥有充实和繁荣的职业生涯所需的技能. Further, it supplies an environment for students to meet new people, increase their self-confidence, and promote their overall health and well-being.

GC的贡献不仅影响着学生的生活,也影响着区域经济. 该学院为德克萨斯州的一系列行业提供服务,并支持当地企业, 整个德州的社会都受益于经济的扩张和生活质量的提高.  EMSI (Economic Modeling Specialists International, a CareerBuilder company, 最近完成了一项研究,研究GC对商界产生的经济影响,以及学院对其主要利益相关者群体(学生)的投资所产生的回报, society and taxpayers. The study analyzed the regional economic impact and the investment.

  • Investment from the Student Perspective

  • 大学运营的影响,学生消费对当地的影响,以及校友对劳动力的影响

  • Investment form the Social and Taxpayer Perspectives

Investment from the Student Perspective

投资分析是评估总成本并将其与总收益进行比较,以确定所提议的企业是否有利可图的过程. 本研究从学生、社会和纳税人的角度,将大学文凭视为一项投资. The backdrop for the analysis is the entire Texas economy.

2012-13学年,GC为7107名学分生和2267名非学分生提供服务. In return for their time spent at the college, GC的学生将获得更高的未来工资流,并将在他们的工作生涯中继续增长. For example, 从GC获得副学士学位的学生平均收入将增加13美元,与拥有高中文凭或同等学历的人相比,每年100美元. Over a working lifetime, 这一收益的增加相当于未贴现价值约为419美元,200 in higher income.

GC学生在2012-13财年的投资总额为77美元.4 million, equal to $10.4 million in out-of-pocket expenses plus $66.9 million in forgone time and money.

每1美元的学生投资在GC的形式自付费用和放弃的时间和金钱, they receive a cumulative of $2.60 in higher future wages. The average annual rate of return for students is an impressive 12.6%.

Investment from the Social Perspective

整个德州的社会从GC的存在中获益主要有两个方面. 社会获得的第一个也是最大的好处是国家创造的额外收入. 由于学生在参加GC期间获得的技能,他们赚得更多. 企业也能赚更多的钱,因为学生技能的提高使他们更有效率.

对社会的好处还包括学生生活方式的改善所带来的节省. 从统计数据来看,教育与各种生活方式的改变相关,这些改变会在三个主要领域产生社会储蓄:1)健康, 2) crime, and 3) unemployment.

Combining all expenditures by GC, all student expenditures, and all student opportunity costs, totals $111.在分析年度,社会在GC教育上投入了200万美元. For every dollar of this investment, society as a whole in Texas will receive a cumulative value of $13.20 in benefits. ($1.5 billion in benefits divided by the $111.2 million costs.)只要GC的2012-13级学生仍然在州政府工作,这些福利就会发生.

Investment from the Operational Perspective

GC promotes economic growth in Texoma in a variety of ways. The college is an employer and buyer of goods and services, 德州以外学生的生活费也有利于当地企业. In addition, GC是Texoma居民教育的主要来源,也是Texoma工业培训工人的供应商.

区域经济影响分析通过增加消费者支出和提高商业生产力来检查GC对当地商业社区的影响. Results are measured in terms of added income and are organized according to the following three impacts: 1) Impact of college operations; 2) Impact of the spending of students who relocated to the region, and; 3) Impact of the increased productivity of alumni that were employed in the regional workforce during the analysis year.

Operations Spending Impact

GC is an important employer in Texoma. 2012-13财年,学院聘用专兼职教职工563人. Of these, 98% lived in Texoma. Total payroll at GC was $18.9 million, much of which was spent in the region for groceries, rent, eating out, clothing, and other household expenses.

GC itself is a large-scale buyer of goods and services. In FY 2012-13 the college spent $19.800万美元用于支付设施、专业服务和用品的费用.

在分析年度内,由于其日常运作,GC创造的总收入为34美元.4 million. This represents the college’s payroll, 大学及其雇员的支出所产生的乘数效应, 为了考虑学院从当地获得的资金,还进行了向下调整.

Impact of Student Spending

在2012-13财年,参加GC的学生中约有6%来自该地区以外. While attending, out-of-region students spent $7.8 million to purchase groceries, rent accommodation, pay for transportation, and so on, generating $7.7 million in new income in the economy during the analysis year.

Alumni Impact

GC最大的影响来自于它为当地居民提供的教育和培训. Since the college was established, students have studied at GC and entered the workforce with new skills. Today, thousands of former students are employed in Texoma. During the analysis year, former students of GC generated $264.4 million in added income in the region. This represents the higher wages that students earned during the year, the increased output of the businesses that employed the students, 当学生和他们的雇主把钱花在其他企业上时,就会产生乘数效应.

Total Impact

在分析年度内,政府资助对本地商界的整体影响达306元.6 million, equal to the sum of the operations spending impact, the student spending impact and the alumni impact. 

Investment from the Taxpayer Perspective

From the taxpayer perspective, 福利主要由州和地方政府从该州创造的额外收入中收取的税收组成. As GC students earn more, they will make higher tax payments. 当雇主增加产出、购买更多的供应品和服务时,他们也将缴纳更高的税款. By the end of the students’ working careers, state and local governments will have collected a present value of $96.8 million in added taxes.

社会所享有的一部分储蓄也归于州和地方纳税人, seen in the form of lower demand for welfare and unemployment benefits, reduces demand for national health care services, and reduced crime. All of these benefits will generate a present value of $3.5 million in savings to state and local taxpayers.

Total benefits to taxpayers yields a benefit-cost ration of 4.4. This means that for every $1 of public money invested in GC, taxpayers receive a cumulative value of $4.0 over the course of the students’ working lives. The average annual rate of return is 15.2%, 与私营和公共部门的其他长期投资相比,这是一项可靠的投资.

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