
太阳城娱乐平台 Substantive Change Policy and Procedure


本政策的目的是确保遵守并及时报告SACSCOC实质性变更政策所定义的实质性变更. SACSCOC将实质性变化定义为“a significant modification or expansion of the nature and scope of an accredited institution.” For 太阳城娱乐平台, a substantive change would address the following:


The College 总统 is ultimately responsible for monitoring and reporting institutional substantive changes. Changes at the Institution that may require a substantive change notification include the following:

o Altering significantly the educational mission of the institution;
o Initiating a merger/consolidation with another institution;
o Changing governance, ownership, control, or legal status of an institution;
o Moving an off-campus instructional site (serving the same geographical area);
o Changing from clock hours to credit hours;
o Acquiring any program or site from another institution;

一旦确定了更改, 大学校长将与SACSCOC联络员合作,确定合适的个人,以促进SACSCOC要求的实质性变更通知.


The Vice 总统 of Instruction is ultimately responsible for monitoring and reporting program substantive changes. 每学期, during monthly Instructional Services meetings, 教学副校长将安排SACSCOC联络员与院长和系主任会面的时间,以确定任何可能符合“实质性变化”定义的项目变化.“任何正在进行的变化, 为未来做计划, or anticipated to be required at some later date, 将被识别. Specifically, the following changes 将被识别.

o Initiating coursework or programs at a different level than currently approved;
o Expanding at current degree level (significant departure from current programs);
o Initiating a certificate program at employer's request and on short notice;
o Initiating other certificate programs;
o Initiating joint or dual degrees with another institution;
o Altering significantly the length of a program;
o Initiating degree completion programs;
o Closing a program approved off-campus site, branch campus, or institution.

一旦确定了更改 and an anticipated date of implementation has been estimated, 教学副校长, 的院长, and the SACSCOC联络 will work with the program(s) involved in order to submit the required notification to SACSCOC. 该通知可能要求:

o通知书 and request for 实施前的批准
o通知书 实施前
o Prospectus or Modified Prospectus with 实施前的批准


Monitoring and Reporting Conditions Requiring 实质性的变化

规划办公室, 研究, Assessment and 认证 will maintain and publish a list of currently approved courses and off-site locations. 教学副校长最终负责监督和报告学院院长和项目主任/系主任报告的项目实质性变化. 每学期, prior to the finalization of the upcoming schedule of classes, 每个项目主任/系主任将填写一份实质性变更验证表,用于确定需要通知SACSCOC的潜在实质性变更.

除了, 课程时间表确定后的任何时间表更改都需要填写时间表更改表,以确保这些更改不需要向SACSCOC发出实质性更改通知. 在所有课程实质性变更验证表被审查和批准后,课程时间表才会公布. 另外, 在课程安排最终批准后,在所有适当的批准和通知发出之前,不会对课程设置进行更改. 任何需要通知SACSCOC的课程变更将由副校长转交给SACSCOC联络处,以便提交给SACSCOC. 以下人员负责监测并向SACSCOC联络处报告潜在的实质性变化.


The SACSCOC联络 will be responsible for annually reviewing with the Executive Council, 迪安的委员会, 课程委员会, and Instructional Council the SACSCOC Substantive Change Policy and any changes in reporting requirements. 联络员将作为课程委员会的当然成员,确保课程变更符合实质性变更政策. 除了, the SACS Liaison will serve as a resource to all college personnel to assist them in substantive change reporting.


负责教学的副校长(VPI)负有最终责任,确保学术和劳动力教育计划的实质性变化得到批准,并提交SACS联络处及时报告. VPI将批准与SACSCOC实质性变更相关的所有计划变更,并将向SACSCOC联络员提供所有必要的文件,以便提交给SACSCOC. The VPI will be responsible for communicating all approvals to 的院长.


The Dean will be responsible for monitoring and advising programs on issues related to substantive change. The Dean will review and approve all program changes, 添加, 删除, calculations of program availability via distance learning and at off-campus locations, 包括双学分. The Dean will ensure that all proposed changes are approved and reviewed by the 教学主任 & 在规定的时间内提交给教学副总裁,以确保及时准确地向SACSCOC报告. 院长将负责确保在SACSCOC联络处通过教学副校长收到所有适当的批准之前不进行任何更改.



教学主任 & 学习


Director of 双重信用 and College Connections

双学分和大学联系主任将负责核实双学分教学地点的课程可用性计算,以确保它们在SACSCOC批准的百分比范围内. Any changes in course offerings at these locations must be approved by the Director 实施前.


Each Program Director or Department Chair will be responsible for tracking, 计算, and reporting any changes in program offerings to include: (1) new programs, (2) changes in current program offerings, (3) the percentage of their programs available via distance learning, (4) the percentage of their programs available at all off-campus locations, (5)程序停用. 主任/主席将负责监测其方案目前批准的百分比,并确保在执行SACSCOC实质性变更政策之前报告所有变更. 主任/主席将使用实质性变更表报告所有项目变更,并确保只有在从教学副校长和相应的院长那里收到填妥并批准的实质性变更表后才能实施变更.

Dissemination of Substantive Change Policy and Procedure

太阳城娱乐平台认识到及时发现潜在实质性变化的重要性,以便在规定的时间范围内(通常为6或12个月)通知SACSCOC。. T在这里 are three bodies at 太阳城娱乐平台 that may make changes that meet the definition of a "substantive change.“为了确保这些机构了解实质性变化报告政策和程序的要求, 将采取以下措施.

每年, the SACSCOC联络 will review the Reporting of Substantive Change Policy and Procedure with:
o总统行政会议, as the Council is the body that might make changes that result in 制度上的实质性变化.
o院长及主任委员会, as the Council is the body that might make changes that result in 项目实质性变化.
o课程委员会, as the Committee is responsible for approving changes to Educational 项目.

SACSCOC联络员将对SACSCOC实质性变更政策进行年度审查,以便对该政策进行任何必要的更改. This policy shall be updated and posted to the 太阳城娱乐平台, 规划处, and 制度的有效性 website located: 在这里. 更新和发布时, an email will be sent by the SACSCOC联络 to all GC employees with a link to the policy on the college website.
